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متن و دانلود آهنگ woah از d3mstreet

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اطلاعات آهنگ

« متن موزیک woah »

Woah! Lookin’ at my drip, lookin’ at yo drip(woah! )

Mommy look at me, oh, I’m killin’ that(woah! )

Swinging side to side and I’m killin’ that(woah! )

Damn yo’ girl so fine, but her breath is like(woah! )

She said she wanna dance but she don’t know how to(woah! )

I’m iced out, oouh, lookin’ like a star(woah! )

Her name is Jenny, oh, b**ch don’t have no panties(woah! )

I’m Steph Curry, when I hit the three, I hit the(woah! )

Pause, lean, hit you with the(woah! )

I’m saucy, ooh, she don’t like me(woah! )

She flexin’ on the ‘gram, but her booty flat(woah! )

Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha! (woah! )

Tryna save some money but I need me some more Louis V(woah! )

She said, “Take a statement” so I bought me some more jewellery(woah! )

I like wearing Off-White but I’m black, it’s cool with me(woah! )

Don’t save her, she a thot(how you know?)

She went to school with me(woah! )

Heard you’re playing for keeps, uh

I bought her a Patek Philippe(woah! )

Heard you’re paying for cheap, uh

I spent like 30K each(woah! )

Diamonds all white, yeah, looks like

I dipped ’em in bleach(woah! )

Hit on my ward and I flee

Ice on my neck is like negative three(woah! )

Up ten times out of ten I bet I hit yo’ hoe(woah! )

Ain’t no Average Joe, oh, born in ’94(woah! )

She wanna go on a date, uh

I gave her chicken to go(woah! )

Fur chinchill’ on my coat, uh

She want a bag oh, yeah yeah(woah! )

Uh, got that drip, boy, I’m dripped in Louis(woah! )

Uh, this is D3, you only see in 2D(woah! )

Uh, do not sleep on me, better get a Snookie(woah)

Uh, my ice is TLC, man that b**ch was chilly(woah)

Uh, “Bang Bang Bang” like the clip do(woah)

I’ve been sittin’ with the jists too

I make that shot like jinsu(woah)

She gon’ play karma when it come back to you

Then flip it being like sasoon(woah)

Ayy, hit that(woah! )

Look my wrist do(yeah, yeah! )

متن آهنگ woah از

تهیه و ترجمه شده توسط اینفاموزیک

مشاهده کامل متن و ترجمه
شما هم به این آهنگ امتیاز دهید:
امتیاز 4.46 از 5 – 46 رای
spinner در حال ثبت امتیاز

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انتحار 2021/10/19


taha 2021/09/10

god بود

    Nazanin 2021/09/17

    الان میخوای بگی خیلی انگلیسی بلدی:/ اولن god نه و good

      arad 2021/10/27


      mahdi 2021/11/09

      گل دختر تو که بدتری از اونی 😂god یعنی خدا منظورش این بود این اهنگ خدا بود تو که از بقیه ایراد میگیری که ری دی اجی

مهسا 2021/09/02

خیلی تو اینستا باهاش کلیپ درست کردن همش یاد اونا میفتم😂😂😂

    Nasim 2021/09/03

    Are Wooh🤣🤣